HomePortfolioCase StudyHow Argos Watch Boosts Revenue by 18.5% Using ShopAgain?

How Argos Watch Boosts Revenue by 18.5% Using ShopAgain?


Customer: Argos Watch 

Industry: Watchmaking 

Platform: Shopify


Argos Watch, a brand synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and unique storytelling, embarked on a transformative journey. Their mission? To create not just watches, but timeless pieces that resonate deeply with watch enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Each Argos watch is meticulously designed and assembled, combining the reliability of automatic movement with the artistry of intricate designs inspired by Greek mythology and beyond.

However, as the brand grew, so did the challenge of keeping customers engaged and ensuring repeat purchases. Enter ShopAgain—a powerful customer data platform that promised to revolutionise Argos Watch’s marketing strategy. Within 90 days, the results were nothing short of remarkable. Through advanced segmentation, personalised communication, and automated workflows, Argos Watch not only enhanced customer loyalty but also saw significant boosts in revenue.

"As a customer myself, I'm impressed by how ShopAgain has enhanced my experience with Argos Watch. The personalized recommendations are spot-on, and I appreciate the loyalty program that rewards repeat purchases."
Mohammed Channiwala

Learn How Argos Watch Used ShopAgain to Enhance Their Marketing Efforts


The Argos Watch team wanted to increase their customer lifetime value and improve engagement rates. Despite implementing various marketing strategies, they struggled to see significant results.

Their goal was to identify their most valuable customers and tailor their marketing efforts to maximize retention and revenue.




So far, Argos Watch uses ShopAgain for three core strategic needs:

  1. Segment and Target High-Value Customers: Using RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis, Argos could identify and target high-value customers with personalized messages. This approach ensured they were reaching out to the right people with the right offers.
  2. Automate and Personalize Campaigns: Argos implemented automated workflows for various customer interactions, from welcome messages to winback campaigns. This automation allowed them to maintain consistent and timely communication with their customers.
  3. Analyze and Optimize Performance: ShopAgain’s analytics provided valuable insights into campaign performance, enabling Argos to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their strategies.

"The automated workflows in ShopAgain have freed up our marketing team's time, allowing us to focus on creative endeavors. Additionally, the data insights we receive have been invaluable in driving targeted campaigns that resonate with our audience."

Mohammed Channiwala

Automaing Customer Inquiries

As Argos Watch’s reputation for exquisite craftsmanship and unique storytelling soared, so did their customer base. This growth brought a delightful problem: a surge in customer inquiries across various channels, including existing orders, new orders, returns, and product details. Managing this high volume of inquiries with traditional methods threatened to strain resources and potentially lead to longer wait times for customers.

Enhancing Efficiency with ShopAgain’s AI Chatbot

To address this challenge, ShopAgain, a powerful customer data platform (CDP), and implemented their AI chatbot solution. This innovative solution named “Chatty,” aimed to automate responses to frequently asked questions and provide 24/7 customer support.

The Results: A Multi-Faceted Success Story

The integration of ShopAgain’s AI chatbot yielded a multi-faceted success story for Argos Watch.

  • Increased Efficiency: Data reveals a significant 151.09% increase in conversations resolved by the chatbot. This remarkable statistic suggests the AI chatbot effectively handled a substantial portion of customer inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues and personalized interactions.

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: The significant increase in chatbot-resolved conversations translated to a more positive customer experience. Customers could get their questions answered quickly and efficiently, potentially leading to higher customer satisfaction, especially if the chatbot was user-friendly and addressed their inquiries effectively.

  • Cost Savings: By deflecting a significant portion of inquiries to the AI chatbot, Argos Watch  reduced the need for additional human customer service representatives.

  • Data-Driven Insights: ShopAgain’s AI chatbot  collected valuable data on customer interactions, categorized by topics like existing orders, new orders, returns, and product inquiries. Argos Watch can analyze this data to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This information can be used to improve product offerings, marketing strategies, and the overall customer experience.


Within 90 days of using ShopAgain, Argos Watch achieved significant improvements:

  • 45.4% Increase in Repeat Customer Rate: Personalized and timely messages helped Argos re-engage customers and encourage repeat purchases.
  • 25.5% Revenue from ShopAgain (as % of their topline): A substantial portion of Argos’ revenue came from campaigns powered by ShopAgain.
  • 18.5% Increase in Revenue: The overall revenue saw a significant boost, thanks to effective customer segmentation and targeted marketing.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalization is Key: Tailored messages significantly improve customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Leverage Data: Utilize analytics to make informed decisions and continuously refine marketing strategies.
  • Automation Enhances Efficiency: Automated workflows save time and ensure consistent customer communication.


Argos Watch’s partnership with ShopAgain exemplifies how leveraging advanced customer data platforms can drive substantial business growth. Through effective segmentation, personalized communication, and continuous optimisation, Argos increased their revenue and strengthened their customer relationships.